Performance Metrics
What constitutes performance and how best to measure it may be similar for some but can differ due to company, policy and procedures. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to managing performance. For example... task, contextual and adaptive performance require a clear understanding of what constitutes performance and how best to measure and report it.
“Monitoring the performance of a sales department wouldn't require a deep level of customisation as this activity is explicitly stipulated in a formal objective, however measuring contextual or adaptive performance is not straight forward and requires more attention in the design process.”
As this will better shape the design process and the supporting model methodology and technical aspects. Some performance refers to the execution of specific activities which is tied to quantitive outcomes that can generally be cascaded directly from KPI's.
Monitoring the performance of a sales department wouldn't require a deep level of customisation as this activity is explicitly stipulated in a formal objective, however measuring contextual or adaptive performance is not straight forward and requires more attention in the design process.
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